Saturday, September 25, 2010

Subway Murdered Chicken, boiling it and wiping it with their backs!

I went to Subway today because it was across the street of my house and it's open late. The last time I went to a Subway I ordered a pastrami sandwich. THAT WAS 2 YEARS AGO. I stood around in front of the sneeze glass as the girl with the green apron and the plastic gloves stared at me. You know that stare where nobody else is in line so she's wondering if she should stay and wait to take my order or do something productive like take off her plastic hands. Staying in the five dollar menu of things, I decided to order the oven roasted chicken breast made with everything on it. In result, I should've told her no cucumbers. In fact, I should of told her no chicken, I should've walked away and put a barrier between me and that specific sandwich place, it was that awful!

But being that I work long hours into the night, and it's convenient, I'll probably be there again. Maybe tonight. I'm practically writing this because I'm hungry and it's open. What's your favorite sandwich or sandwich combination of things to make a Subway sandwich delicious?

Yum? or Num?

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