Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sexiest Halloween Costume Ever!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Dead Pool movie said to have Quentin Tarantino vibe.

Ryan Reynolds will be featured in the new Marvel Deadpool movie.  The movie itself will have both messed up face deadpool, and prior normal looking Ryan Reynolds.  The script is written by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.  It said that the script has a Tarantino vibe, as it has a lot of well spoken banter.

Ryan Reynolds is also featured as the Green Lantern which will come out soon.

Note: I need a favor that should only take 6 seconds.

My friend’s are in a contest to win band of the month in San Francisco and they need people to vote for Commissure on a website called, http://sf.thedelimagazine.com/snacks

Go to: http://sf.thedelimagazine.com/snacks
Vote: Commissure

It honestly takes like 6 seconds to vote. The contest ends October 15. Every vote helps. Thanks, you’re awesome!

Their website is: myspace.com/commissure

Monday, October 11, 2010

Courtney Cox and David Arquette Split

The couple that met years ago during the production of Scream the movie has separated after 11 years of marriage.  Courtney Cox is featured in the sitcom Cougar Town and is most well known for her part as Monica in Friends.  The couple has agreed to a trial separation.  Their reason for the separation was to understand better qualities within themselves.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Christopher Nolan to direct Batman 3 sequel: filming starting dates and release dates, but who'll play the villian?

Christopher Nolan, the director of Inception and the 2 other most recent Batman films, Batman Begins and Batman The Dark Knight, is returning to direct the new Batman film. He's established the fact that this will be his last Batman film as it would set a 3 part trilogy. However, he will be directing the new Superman movie. It should be interesting to see someone who directing the dark realm of Inception and Batman direct something like Superman, the healthy heart superhero who grew up on a farm.

The movie is said to start filming in May and is to be released Summer of 2012.

As to who will be the be the villain or what the cast will be like, everything is up in the air.

Who do you think the villian will be?

I say I'm going for the Riddler, but it'd be cool to see Danny De Vito play the Penguin again.

Mike Tyson dances in Music Video

Every Little Step I Take, with Wayne Brady and the one and only, Mike Tyson

Piano Hero

Piano Hero.

A basic piano guide to playing intricate and difficult songs using a guitar hero type of style.

Link here: 

Someone asked me how to make a living overseas

My Answer:

I thought about this idea. First I want to tell you two people who can help you with this:

Colin Wright, the author of Exile Lifestyle.
Jonny Gibaud, the author of The Life Thing.

They both have the same idea of living off technological ways (businesses they own) and backpacking across countries that have a lowered currency rate than America. From what I remember off the top of my head, Colin's been to Thailand and Argentina. Jonny is, I think, in Bangkok. Colin's a minimalist who owns 55 things. Jonny also lives out of his backpack (I think) Colin Wright has a profile on 20sb. It's pretty easy to get to him. I wrote an article about him in my blog. Post: Colin Wright, A New Titan.

My experience with it.

I went camping this summer and talked to one of the people that shared a campsite with my friends. He was an air force pilot and he gave me some great advice. If nothing happens in my life, aim to join the military by age 25 (piloting helicopters). Until then do as much as you can being poor. There's a lot of great advantages to being poor and being smart at the same time. The easiest thing to do is to call up an apple orchard in New Zealand to see if they're in season for picking apples and live off picking apples. Pick whatever fruit is in season, with whatever Country that has orchards (winter is bad). That's your safe hold. Before that you should be looking at places to work such as bars, maybe coffee shops, the reason being these places need diversity. Y'know how Starbucks markets it to be the most diverse workplace? A lot of these places love it when people come from different age backgrounds, ethnicities, speak fluent english, and don't have a lot of handicaps. He also mentioned to do things like that in more developed cities like London. How it would be to work in a bar in Bangkok, I really could only tell you I'm not optimistic about it.

Most people who choose to bum around can live easily through hostels. There's some great vagabonding and light travel material that you could use that I could send you. Send me an email if you're interested, I don't want to have to find everything and link to everything and have you not read it, because maybe you totally don't like me for some reason.

Email: bricona@care2.com.

If you can't afford going to a hostel make sure you sign up for couchsurfers. It's a place to meet interesting people who will host you by letting you sleep on their couch. You might really want to make some couchsurfing connections within your local community first to get recognized and referenced by others. A lot of people, and I mean a lot, will not let you come over their house and invade their space without having some references.

I know all these things because I attempted to do it 3 weeks ago. Instead I started a blog and my blog makes me happy :) I also got a girlfriend who can make mochi.

Shoot me an email if you need anything.

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