Thursday, September 30, 2010

Christopher Nolan to direct Batman 3 sequel: filming starting dates and release dates, but who'll play the villian?

Christopher Nolan, the director of Inception and the 2 other most recent Batman films, Batman Begins and Batman The Dark Knight, is returning to direct the new Batman film. He's established the fact that this will be his last Batman film as it would set a 3 part trilogy. However, he will be directing the new Superman movie. It should be interesting to see someone who directing the dark realm of Inception and Batman direct something like Superman, the healthy heart superhero who grew up on a farm.

The movie is said to start filming in May and is to be released Summer of 2012.

As to who will be the be the villain or what the cast will be like, everything is up in the air.

Who do you think the villian will be?

I say I'm going for the Riddler, but it'd be cool to see Danny De Vito play the Penguin again.

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