Saturday, September 25, 2010

The 20 something status updates

People tend to talk about how depressing their lives are in their status updates. Not me. I'm awesome. I talk about the random findings of being a 20 something boy in this generation. Keep reading, if you don't learn something, you'll probably find something you like:

Jonathan Manor Betty White and Clint Eastwood were on Yahoo News so I thought they both died.

Jonathan Manor
"You never leave your shopping cart unattended!" God fordid! What if somebody comes into that store and wants exactly that same crap.

Jonathan Manor just ruined Mac and Cheese for everyone.

Jonathan Manor Measuring my carbon footprin isn't as cool as DUFFMAN!

Jonathan Manor I'm going to cover myself with glitter and tell people I'm a gay vampire for Halloween.

Jonathan Manor
I swear to God the corner of my room just farted.

Jonathan Manor
People who say that's what she said are just stupid now.

Jonathan Manor Apparently the old lady upstairs likes it when I play guitar outside the condo at 4am in the morning.

Jonathan Manor Nothing ruins birthday cake as much as molded strawberries.

Jonathan Manor It smells like happiness.

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