Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When dogs get violent

I dog seemed particularly feisty today. She was howling in front of the door and spazzing out. I decided to take her out, but this time tying a leash on her. We just walked around the front of our house. Nothing big. I noticed that when someone walked by Kahlua, my dog, would growl and bark at them. Very not common for Kahlua. It pulled her back and the guy was nice about it.

Then one of my neighbors came out with his two friends. I was saying hello to my neighbor when Kahlua stretched out her leash and dashed over to one of his friends, her teeth sinking into the boy's leg. He yelled.

I tugged her leash and pulled her back. The guy said it was okay and that he has a dog too. But I was so embarrassed.

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